Frequently Asked Questions

1What is Mobile Pet Grooming?
It is professional grooming self-contained in a custom van that arrives at your door to take care of your pet's grooming needs. Mobile pet grooming is preferred by most of today's busy pet owners. The convenience for you and the exclusive attention for your pet make it desirable to use a mobile grooming service. Our mobile salon is completely equipped to afford you the utmost in service. The generator furnishes electricity to the dryer, table, clippers, A/C, vacuum, lights and more! A hot water heater ensures the perfect bath temperature and a therapeutic bathing system cleans and soothes your pet.
2Why a Mobile Pet Groomer?
- Door-to-door Service - All About Pets's state-of -the-art, custom designed van comes conveniently to your door! - Convenience - You can stay home, no more driving in unpredictable traffic with an anxious pet in the car and . - Less Hassle - No more rearranging your whole day around dropping off and picking up your pet. - Professionalism - Your dog is given the groomer's undivided time and attention. - Less Stress - More familiar, quiet setting reduces stress for your pet, especially for those with separation anxieties, no other pets , no cages , faster service. - Cleanliness - Your pet is the only animal in the salon at the time, preventing contamination from other animals, disease, insects and parasites. - No Car Sickness - No more car-sick pets and mess on the way to (and from) the salon. - Safety - No crates or crate-drying and no other dogs. - Flexibility - Day, evening, and weekend appointments available. We work with your schedule. - Quicker Service - Your pet is groomed from start to finish at the time of your appointment, usually in one hour or less!
3Do you need to use my electricity or hose?
Nope! Our van is fully equipped with a generator for electricity and a 70 gallon fresh water reservoir. A separate 70 gallon tank holds our dirty (but entirely biodegradeable) soapy water, which we empty back at our office. On very rare occasions, we may have to ask to borrow your garden hose to refill the fresh water tank.... but it is not typical of us to do so.
4How long does the grooming take?
Typically anywhere from 20 minutes to 1 hour. Times are based on the size of the pet, coat condition, hair length, etc. (very hairy and/or large dogs understandably take longer)
5Is warm water used?
Yes, the van holds 70 gallons of fresh, heated water.
6Why can't I watch while my pet is being groomed?
The point is that stylists would love to have you watch them, but dogs become very excited having their owners see them that they can run the risk of being injured. Groomers use many sharp tools while styling and pets that move around on the grooming table are at a higher risk of being wrongly cut. DO NOT be offended if your groomer informs you that you or your children can not be in the van or standing outside the window. It is only done for the safety of your beloved pet. If you HAVE to come to the van for something please remember to come over and knock quietly so as not to startle the pet or the groomer. Doors opening or closing and voices can excite animals’ at the most inopportune time. PLEASE never, ever open the door of the van while a pet is inside. This could result in an animal escaping and possibly being injured.
7How often should my dog be groomed?
We recommend every 2 to 6 weeks. Weekly appointments are also available.
8But doesn't frequent bathing dry out the skin and coat?
Nope! We use very mild, hypoallergenic and medicated shampoos and conditioners that are safe to be used once a week. In fact, most veterinarians recommend dogs be washed at least once a week with a medicated shampoo if they have skin or coat problems.
9Can I have my pet washed in my own shampoo?
We'll be happy to use any preferred pet-safe or veterinarian prescribed shampoo, as long as it is designed for and safe to use on pets.
10How long until I can get an appointment?
We can usually book your appointment within days . However there are times during the year which become very busy and it is recommended to schedule as far as 1 or 2 weeks ahead by using our online booking system on our web site or by giving us a call.
11Are you licensed and insured?
Yes, we are fully insured and licensed.
12What are your hours and do you take credit cards and accept tips?
Hours may vary , generally 8AM to 6PM. Major Credit Cards Accepted. Tips at your discretion.